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2016-10-05 BOS mtg. min.

Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 5, 2016  -- 5 PM

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan and Jon Fudeman present along with T.A. Nina Nazarian and residents
5:00 PM – Stan called the meeting to order.
Stan mentioned that he would prefer to see a 5 member board. Jon indicated that he agreed with that. Edie suggested an alternate individual, as a non-voting member, to be there in the event of a non-quorum and for additional work.
Stan provided his opinion that he is interested in fresh faces and was not necessarily interested in something that had extensive technology. Edie expressed that she was looking for fresh faces as well. Discussion on Axia meeting. Jon asked if FTTH was still on the table, Edie indicated that she felt that it should be. Jon indicated that he was looking for those with a business background, contract background, and tech background.
Each member provided a list of 5 names on a piece of paper and Nina tallied the names up. After returning each piece of paper to the respective members. Nina announced that the results included one person with three votes, four individuals with two votes, and another 4 with one vote. Jon suggested that the Board select the 5 individuals with the most votes, whoever they happened to be. The individuals announced, in no particular order were Darcy Rowell, Lane Ware, Phil Gransewicz, David Union, and Paul Caneen. Of the five selected candidates, one received 3 votes and each of the remaining four received 2 votes, one vote each from Stan and Edie. The Board then considered an alternate and wrote down two names. The tally resulted in David Hilton as having three votes.
The Board voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan, second by Edie to appoint Darcy Rowell, Lane Ware, Phil Gransewicz, David Union, and Paul Caneen, with David Hilton as the alternate.
The Board voted 3-0 on a motion by Stan, second by Edie to appoint Darcy Rowell as the chair of the committee. Darcy was present and accepted that
Stan stated that he felt that the primary purpose for the committee was to research other cable contracts, and research aspects of those contracts on what worked best.
Next meeting to discuss Cable TV on Wednesday, October 19th at 5 or 6 PM, depending on availability of the cable advisory committee members. Stan will prepare a short list of charges, and have it available for Monday, October 17th.
Jon explained that he felt that he would prefer that we do not go through another Town Meeting where a town built, requiring funding is an issue. Edie explained that Comcast is a very big organization, that fiber rich is a marketing term, suggesting that we could present choices to Town Meeting. Stan mentioned that the Axia notice was not identifying town funding as necessary for its build as proposed.
Nina provided some updates to the Board, including a broad overview of the Draft FY18 Budget Calendar, and discussed the upcoming collective bargaining sessions with the Princeton Police Union.
5:49 PM – The Board voted 3-0 on a motion by Jon, second by Edie to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator
BOS Referenced Documents:  Submissions of interest to serve on Cable Advisory Committee; Draft FY18 Budget Calendar